Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Tuesday, Clean up Day!

Ok, I'm about to get started with my Spring Cleaning...yeah...a little early but you have to do what you can when you can. The girls are at MDO this morning and I'm enjoying the house to myself.
I was reading this morning about the Wedding at Cana and the miracle that took place there and the one after that...yeah the one with the demon possessed man in the synagogue. The writer of the devotion I was using pointed out that the newly selected disciples were off to a "miraculous" start with their new friend. Christ performed several miracles in a short time frame....can you imagine being there and seeing all that took place? Can you imagine these young fishermen who had left their families and the family business to join up with this passer-by promising to make them "fishers of men"? I'm sure if they were alive today they would tell you what a special time it was for them being in the limelight all the time.
Now, back to reality for us. Sometimes we don't get to see miracles take place. Sometimes we just get to experience the love of our Saviour. Sometimes we aren't privileged to be the ones receiving all the attention. Still, God is in control and on the throne. He is still in the small insignificant details of life. He wants us to love Him in the normal everyday ho hum of life. I'm thankful for normal. Many of you know that before this stage of my life, I always wanted to be "doing, going, being...etc". God has shown me that He wants us to live days full of "normal"....novextraordinary events, no fancy issues or problems....just live life for His glory. So........bring on the normal.

1 comment:

KSH said...

Bring on the normal...
amen sista
thanks for sharing your devotion and the yummy recipe
love ya and miss ya

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010