Sunday, February 1, 2009

Great Lord's Day..

We had a great day in church today. God really moved and it was exciting to see. It's begun to rain here and the temperature today reached a whopping 65. It felt a gentle reminder from the Lord that Spring is on it's way. I'm really excited about that.

This week finds our family packing up and traveling south to Jacksonville, FL. CDP has his last seminar to attend for his DMin program and then he will begin his writing phase. He is excited and ready to start working on his project. We are all tagging along just so we can all be together. As I type I hear, "Come on race car! You can do it!" Yes, SJ has been completely ruined by her father! They are sitting in front of the TV playing video games! Such sweet memories we're making tonight! Take some time this week to listen to your'll be surprised how smart they are!

I'll post again this week. Hopefully from SUNNY Florida!


K Storm said...

Y'all have a safe trip and find time for some fun!!!

You are right, it is amazing what you learn when you listen to the kids.

Glad to hear about this morning's service. God was moving at ole RBC too!

Stephanie said...

Ya'll have fun and that's right, make memories!

KSH said...

have a fun and safe trip

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010