Saturday, February 28, 2009

Still Alive...

We're here..... just being lazy and busy the past few days. As I sit here and catch up with everyone in blogland, it's snowing up a storm outside. Yes, it's snowing and sleeting here in North MS. After dressing the girls in short sleeved dresses and sandals on Thursday, I'm now pulling back out the winter hats and gloves! The spring weather was nice while it lasted however, I'm beginning to get a good sinus headache and I'm certainly going to blame it on the weather.
So, our good friends The Hall's visited with us last week and we had a great time just sitting, chatting , eating mexican food and just being together. Our girls enjoyed their time together and fortunately no real melt downs to speak of. As for my sweet hubby, with 5 girls in one house, CDP just stayed in his room and watched TV. He even let the big girls stay up late and watch movies and talk...FUN FUN FUN!
This week we'll get the girls back into the school mode and I'll take a little time to clean house and work on Women' s Ministry stuff (getting ready for our Retreat in April). Friday night is looking like the perfect DATE NIGHT for myself and CDP. I'm hoping he'll ask me soon.........
After taking some time off from walking because of the cold temperatures, I've started back again and it's really helping my motivation to clean and keep things in order here at home. It's amazing how much energy you have when you expell some energy....interesting! Ok, Ya'll, I'm signing off for now. Our SS class is socializing tonight...possibly some games....sitter will be here at 6pm.....Later!

1 comment:

K Storm said...

Have fun tonight! I am so glad you had that time with the Hall girls. I know you both really needed that!! Maybe you'll get asked out for Friday night!

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010