Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thursday Ramblings...

We've not had much going on these days....just life in the normal. Our weeks consist of Ballet on Mondays, School on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Church on Wednesdays and down time with Daddy on Fridays. Saturday's are reserved for preparation for Sunday's, since that's a huge day at our house. I've learned that laying out clothes for church on Saturday night helps TREMENDOUSLY! It's amazing how much time you waste looking for those precious white tights and bloomers!
We are excited to have our bestest friends from Atlanta coming to visit on Monday. KSH and MKH will be visiting us for a few days. My girls are SOO excited and can't wait to entertain our guests!
It's still cold here. Today's high was around 50 and our evenings hang around in the 30's. I was out and about today and noticed new flip flops everywhere. I am so ready for flip flops! Can anyone say SPRING! Later guys!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like our week except we don't have school (although many days I wish we did). I'm always amazed at the places I find the leotard after much searching. I'm also eager for spring to arrive. The stores are full of cute stuff we could never wear until July around here. ;-)


Stephanie said...

I also try to get things ready on Sat. night. Especially now that we have little EMH, and we are still usually late to church.

Yes, I am sooo ready for spring. I definitely have the FEVER!

K Storm said...

So excited that they are coming to spend a few days with you...that will be fun!

Yes, the Saturday night preparation helps at our house too...with an 8 year old you have more disagreements early in the morning...not so much if it is all decided before. I also remind the boy that there will be no TV in the morning as usual.

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010