Monday, February 2, 2009

I almost forgot...

..that I was fasting from the News! I guess I now realize just how unnecessary it is to be bombarded by breaking headlines every 30 seconds. I promise, I never missed it. The only real question I had was why gas prices seemed to spike and them never come down. I began to rely on the huge gas price sign at WalMart to give me some indication as to what might be happening in the markets. And, as I relied on that sign for some indication as to how the world was happening along, I also began to give credit where credit is due. I began to thank God for taking care of me and my family and to tell him, many times, how I trust Him for everything we have. You do realize it's all His anyway, don't you? Somtimes it's hard for us humans to understand we really aren't in control. I'm grateful for that! So, if you think it's impossible to take a break from the Headlines, give it a try. I made it 30 days.


Stephanie said...

I may have to give this a try. Although, it will be hard because all SLH watches, is Fox.

K Storm said...

Sometimes this happens by accident. SS wants to watch Curious George and Sid the Science Kid in the morning before school so I at least miss it in the morning. Also, I don't watch it much around the kids. Sissy is too aware of things these days.

The Family Bond said...

Like K Storm, this happens to me unintentional. I usually keep it on a child-friendly channel and then in the evenings I usually have it on The Andy Griffith Show. I like to have the tv on for noise but don't want it on something I can't trust...I don't have to worry about what the boys hear if I have it on Andy. I have no idea what is going on locally. The only problem with this, for me, is that I am uniformed when it comes to matters that affect me and I need to email my congress or senator with my opinions and concerns (but that is for me). Congrats on your obtaining your goal.

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