Saturday, November 8, 2008

UH OH....

There are a few drawbacks with this thing called blogging. First, it gets addictive...and consumes much of your time...and secondly, it causes you to leave your children unattended and then things like this happen......

My SJP has such a tender heart. As I recovered from the initial shock, I gathered my emotions and sent her to her room. I then proceeded to explain why it's not a good idea to cut your own hair....."you only cut paper, you NEVER cut your hair"...."always obey your mommy".....thru her tears and wailing I heard this question...."Do you forgive me?" Oh, how it cut me to the core! I was so upset with her and yet I felt so bad having to ground her from well, scissors of course and also her beloved Cartoons....missing The Backyardigans nearly sent her reeling! (Three days with no cartoons and no scissors or craft projects for several days is pretty tough for her.)
I felt like we had been spared a really "bad hair day" since we could hardly tell where she began her snipping.......then we checked out the kitchen sink! We now know SJP has a conscience......there it a heap....the OTHER hand full of hair! OUCH! I had already punished her and given her the once over....I couldn't do it it hurt to then notice just how much she had cut. I remembered her piercing question, "Do you forgive me?" It rang out loud and clear. How like God with us, His children! Although He never "overlooks" our transgressions, and even though the consequences may remain...He has FOREVER forgotten all our sin! Hallelujah, What a Saviour!
So, I guess I learned my more blogging until they are in bed!

1 comment:

K Storm said...

One of those hard lessons to learn. Poor baby. We are all prone to curiosity getting the better of grateful that we confess and be forgiven.

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Spring 2010