Thursday, October 30, 2008

The 30 Day Thanksgiving Challenge...

I accept....albeit late...but I accept. I'll list 2 extra things tonight that I'm thankful for to make up for starting late.

I'm thankful that God sometimes says "No". Crazy? No....absolute peace! He sometimes says no to protect us. He sometimes says no to teach us. He sometimes says no to bless us. How many times has He said "No" and I whined like my 4 year old? Too many, I'm sure. However, sometimes He says "Yes".

I'm truly thankful for my husband. A true Man of God who loves me without a doubt. I know I drive him crazy, yet he still loves me. Do I really understand this idea of marriage? Not fully. I do know that it's worth every effort to make it paradise. I'm beginning to experience know that's exactly what God intended for it to's AWESOME!

I'm thankful for my new church family. How awesome to see God's hand working in such mighty ways. The days ahead are full of possibility. I can't wait to see how He works!

This time of year brings us all closer to home in one way or another...either in the physical sense of traveling to be at home with family or in the emotional sense of remembering those who love us and those we love. I'm missing my sister these days. I can't help but think about what her life would be like if God had chosen not to take her 13 years ago. I eagerly await our reunion. She has met several acquaintances of mine in the past few months...I'm sure they are trading stories! How wonderful to know that one day I'll say, "I've missed you"...and never again say..."Goodbye"! Live like there's no tomorrow...give Christ His proper place today!


K Storm said...

I'm glad you are participating...I look forward to your posts.

I'm sorry you are missing your sister...I am sure that certain seasons make it more obvious that she isn't here anymore. But there is the comfort that we will be there someday.

KSH said...

i am not sure why but i wept when i read your blog re: Kelly and the one about me as well . Your are my Bff and always will be I love you and your family and would have loved to have known another Hawkins girl. Miss you terribly too. promise to be better at chatting soon.

awc said...

Look forward to finding out what you are thankful for in the next 30 days!! So sorry you are missing Kelly--having sisters I can't imagine what you have gone through. But I can assure you-even though we are not biological sisters,(and I am sure others would agree) that we love you like a sister!!

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