Monday, January 4, 2010

My Apologies...

for not blogging for months! The excuses I provide would be just that so I'll not bore you with the details. However, I did lose my computer, may she RIP! So, let's get this year started and give you a quick update on our life these past few months. Birthdays were awesome in August and September and both girls are perfect! October flew by and November sailed right thru. December kept us all busy with School, Kids Choir programs, Christmas parties, and the like. Santa was extremely good to our princesses and so were Nai Nai and Yei Yei! Mom and Dad took a trip to Monarch, CO for some rest and relaxation and some really fun skiing while the kiddos were spoiled to utter rottenness with Nai Nai and Yei Yei! We are still recovering from that week! As of today, we have rung in 2010 and have de-decked the house of all things Christmas. As I sit here and type, I find myself wondering what to do tomorrow. It seems sort of sad to not be anticipating going somewhere or doing something. However, school starts back on Wednesday and unless the 2-3 inches of snow that's predicted hinders us, we will be back into the groove in a couple days.
Spiritually speaking, God has been working mightily in my life! It excites me just to think about how He has moved in my life as I have obeyed the Spirit's leading. And to make sure you understand, God has worked ONLY because of my obedience and submission to his SPIRIT. We really can live the Christian life. Christ lives in us. We have the power to overcome.
I'll post more regarding this later as well as a new Suggested Reading List I am compiling.
LifeAction Ministries will invade HBC on Sunday, Januyary 24th. Our church is poised to experience Revival if only we will seek Him and remove any and all sin from our lives. Please pray for us as God prepares us and works in the coming weeks.
CDP is excited and burdened for our congregation, state and nation. We want to see God move in an unusual way. We should not be surprised when He does. He IS God!
So, I'll sign off for tonite. Going to sit with the hubby and watch some TV. Life is good and God is Great!


K Storm said...

Good to see an day I'll update mine too!

Anonymous said...

The new blog design is so beautiful. I sure wish we could have met up during your CO visit. That weather was remarkably cold and odd and I fear the rest of winter will be the same. The girls looks so grown up now! I hope we can see each other again soon.


Stephanie said...

So good to hear from you guys. I can't believe how big the girls are. They are so cute! Glad y'all are doing good. Miss y'all!
Let me know when you pass through...would love to get together.

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010