Monday, July 13, 2009

At home for a while...

So, CDP is back from Peru and the girls and I have returned from our visit to the Grandparents. We had a great time at VBS at Hillsboro Baptist Church and visiting friends and family over the holiday. Now it's back to "normal" in our little corner of the world.
Nicaragua is fast approaching so I'll be busy this week working on children's church stuff for our trip. Otherwise, I plan to clean house, play some tennis, play outside in the pool with the girls and hopefully catch up on conversation with CDP. Ten days is a long time without significant conversation with your spouse.....
Many of our friends are vacationing this week and we hope they have a blast being together as a family. Ours is coming soon.....CAN'T WAIT!

1 comment:

KSH said...

glad you have him back safe and sound hope SC feels much better soon and miss you

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