Thursday, August 14, 2008

Grace in Time of Need...

God gives us what we need exactly when we need it. He proved this to our family this week. We returned from Nicaragua on Saturday evening around 8pm. We quickly prepared for bed as we would be heading to church bright and early the next morning.

During the night, SC woke up with a fever. I checked her and determined that it wasn't too bad but she still was pretty fitful. After some Ibuprofen, she went back to sleep. Early the next morning, SJ came to our room. She was not her usual self....very sluggish and whiney. CDP dressed and left for church and since SC had run fever during the night, we determined that the girls and I should stay at home.
SJ eventually began running a fever and vomiting. I also began experiencing tummy issues. CDP called during the morning and promised to bring home sprite and nausea medicine for SJ.

While enroute to the house, he received a call that his Dad had died.

I've not posted much about his dad's illness simply because we didn't really know what was going on. He fell several weeks ago and received a nasty bump on his head as well as a broken rib. We were told by the doctors that the bump on his head had caused some bleeding on his brain and that surgery was necessary. The surgery was risky because of some issues he had with his lungs. CDP's dad was a smoker for most of his life. Emphysema had taken it's toll on his lungs. Being put to sleep was a risk in itself. He survived the surgery but never recovered from the effects. He died around 11:30 Sunday morning.

We left Sunday afternoon and drove back to Lake to be with his sister and brothers. SC's fever had broken and she was fine. SJ was sick and the trip down was hard for her. My tummy issues had begun to be more severe. We were a pitiful bunch!

In the midst of all of this, God was real. He provided the rest we needed in order to be be ready for a funeral on Tuesday. SJ was transformed on Sunday night and Monday morning was ready to eat. Sadie continued to be fine. Me, well, I'm still fighting with my tummy...but it is better. CDP preached the funeral of his father. I have to tell you that it was probably the hardest thing he has ever had to do. I am blessed to say that his Dad was remembered, God was honored and the truth was proclaimed. Just to sum up the service: Make sure that you leave the assurance of hope to your family when you die! Money, possessions,characteristics and even physical resemblances won't mean anything without the full assurance that you'll see them again one Heaven. Your Godly examply and unselfish life will be the legacy that gives your family hope in the days of mourning.

Do you know that Christ has paid for your sins? Have you repented and asked Him to forgive you? Have you applied the blood of Christ to your sin stained heart? If not, then now is the time. If you have received the gift of eternal life thru Christ, are you living in such a way that it is evident? Are you living a Godly example before your children and grandchildren? Are you living in such a way that Christ recognizes you as one of HIS? CDP's brother said it best..."Obedience is required." Are you being obedient to Christ and His Word? If not, then it's time to examine your relationship with your Saviour. If so, then you will be able to leave the "full assurance of hope" to your children when God calls you home. That hope is priceless and pales in comparison to any amount of money or possessions you may leave behind. Be sure. Make sure. Today!


K Storm said...

We'll be praying for you as you recover from this week. When I read that C was preaching Tuesday I knew that it would be hard for him but something he felt he needed to do.

Jeremy and Christy said...

Our family will also be praying for you during this time. I know it was hard from CP to preach, but such a blessing that he could do it. I know he is glad. God bless you guys.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear this news. I'm glad you were able to feel physically better during the week. His grace is sufficient especially when we need it most. I'm so glad for your mission trip. Love to you all.

KSH said...

Our thoughts and prayers go out to you CDP and your family and your 3 girls. Hope the oldest TRP is feeling better now. Praise GOD for the great adventure in NIC. We love yall. The Halls

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