Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Counting down...

Well, our family is counting down the days until our vacation. SJ is so very excited and ready to build sand castles and play in the water. I'm ready too...it's been a long summer filled with lots of trials and challenges. Not only does this week find us getting ready for the beach but for a Fun First Birthday for Ms. SC. She'll be 1 on Thursday. I know what you're all saying, "I can't believe she's already one". Let me say, "neither can I".

I'm always fascinated how time catches up and passes you by just when you think you're prepared for it. I had been anticipating her birthday and thinking about what to do and all of a sudden, it's here. I'm feeling a little sad knowing that she's not a baby anymore and has entered that "toddler" stage. Her cruising around the house, drinking from a cup, eating table food and weaning from the bottle has made reality very clear....she's growing up.

I remember very well how it felt to go back to work after being at home with SJ when we returned from China. As I stood in our bedroom holding her before I was about to walk out the door, Cliff reminded me, "Five minutes after their born, we as parents must begin to let go." There's never been a truer statement. Letting go....not my favorite pastime. However, I can thankfully say that Jesus is ready to take over as I relenquish my "hold" on my girls. I'm learning more each day just how much I need His protection and watch care around my children.

I guess this post is to be a reminder to all parents and grandparents that time is precious and so are our children. I encourage you to live every moment to is't fullest and don't waste one second....SC calls for me...I must go.

I'll post again, probably from the beach! SPLASH!


K Storm said...

Have a great time!! This will be such a good get-away for your family and a chance to share some quality time with friends. I can't wait to hear how the girls liked the beach...I know SJ has been there before but she's a big girl now!

KSH said...

woo hoo . PCB here we come. Happy Bday SC. I love you and your big sis. MK has a some bday happies for yall Saturday. See yall then. Pray Gustavo Away!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love Aunt Sissy

KSH said...

love the new pics. MK has those same floaties. Don't you just love those fat barefoot feet. Pray Gustav away!

Jeremy and Christy said...

I LOVE it when kids pack their own bags! You can definitely tell she packed all the necessities!! Rileigh's bag would look a lot like that....especially the half-dressed baby doll. Hope you guys have fun!

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010