Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Getting into the summertime groove....

Well, these have been busy days for the Pace clan. Since returning from our trip to Indy, we had a visit from Meme, took a weekend to visit with our friends from GA and also visited Nai Nai and Yei Yei. This week has been a welcomed rest from our traveling. I bought the girls a small swimming pool and it has been a treat for them to be outside and burn off some energy. Swimming pools make summertime naps that much more enjoyable.

We will be home for a couple of weeks and then off to Nai Nai's for an extended visit while CDP is away at school. I can't wait to spend some time at home with my folks. SC is about to have 2 more teeth and is beginning to really cruise around the furniture. SJ is just growing up too fast! She can spell her name, and write 3 letters, T, L and H. She really loves to learn and I can tell I'm going to have to go back to school if I ever plan to help her with her homework!

Nicaragua is fast approaching and I'm getting excited about serving alongside CDP this year. I've wanted to be a part of this trip for several years. Please pray for us as we will be leaving our girls behind with good friends and my parents. I'm not worried about the girls...just about me.

I'm planning to take SC's 9 months pictures this afternoon so I'll post some new ones then. Sorry for not having any new photos recently. I'll do better. Until next time....


KSH said...

hope they enjoy the pool we go a few times a week to ours or a friends neighborhood pool it does make naps easier. Mk loves the POOL. Nice visiting with yall last week. love ya

K Storm said...

So glad you are able to enjoy this summer!

Deanna said...

It is always to fun to read your blog because you enjoy your girls so much. You are such a great Mom!

My boys are 11 and 6 and trips to the pool still exhaust them (and me). I love afternoons after the pool. There are no naps, but it is very calm and lots of book reading and playing games.

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010