Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Better late than never....?

I didn't realize just how long it had been since I posted! Excuses are just that....however I have been really busy these last few weeks. Anyway, let's catch up a bit.....
My last post was of our Easter Egg hunt and the Hodge farm. Since then, I've hosted a Ladies Retreat Weekend, finished SJ's ballet classes, taken up tennis....(Steph, you will be proud!).....escorted BBQ judges (while getting to tast some good BBQ in the meantime), had a weekend alone with the hubby, visited my parents, changed out all the girls winter clothes, planted flowers, got the IRS satisfied and the usual laundry, house cleaning, grocery shopping, church stuff etc!
I'm tired just thinking about what all has been going on! The month went by so fast...I hardly knew it was April....and now May is here! Ouch! Slowing down is not even remotely in the forecast. May will be somewhat moderate in pace but June then picks up with VBS, SBC, Mission Trips, Bible Studies and etc. I mentioned to Cliff that time is passing by with WARP speed.
Our girls are growing up so fast! SC is as cute as a button! I have some cute pics to share with you of both of them. SJ finished ballet and has had a great time learning and being prissy! SC is now talking and getting into trouble....she likes to climb...I'm told my hubby liked to do that too...UGH! SJ will start K4 in the Fall at HBC 3 days per week. SC will stay at home with me...since MDO is on Tues/Thurs. I'm looking forward to that though. She and I will have some good quality time. SJ has become such a great helper around the house. I'm seeing her personality more and more. She is a helper...a peacemaker....soft hearted.....and very affectionate. She cleared the table tonight without being asked. She loves to be praised for hard work.... She really thrives on praise...and is also a "watcher". She's passive and really takes in if someone or something is interesting to her. Take riding her bike for instance.....she watched her friend MW ride her bike last week without training wheels. MW is 1 year older and her bike is actually smaller than SJ's. When we got home after our visit to the park, SJ immediately went for her bike. She wanted to ride. She had been sort of apprehensive about riding but I helped her on and she started pedaling....still with training wheels....but she's coming along. She needed coaxing....and praise....mental note!
SC on the other hand is simply....well....let's say.... confident! She doesn't meet a stranger...waves and says hello to EVERYONE....and likes to test the boundaries! The look she gives when I say "No" is actually priceless...however, it doesn't prevent me from swatting her little hand or uplifting that well padded bottom! Her most favorite game is "run the other way when Mommy calls me"! Her response when I finally reach her is "gotcha"....yes....it's all just a game...one that I dread having to wean her from! In all fairness, she is very polite and says "Thank You", "Bless You", and "Please" at the appropriate time. I know we have our work cut out for us with her. But, God is faithful....to help us parent both!
To be very honest, I'm having the time of my life! I love being a Mom and am overwhelmed every day at how blessed I am. God has given me so much...I'm beyond grateful....I'm simply amazed at how perfectly He has orchestrated our lives and our family. Watching them grow and learn is a privilege that I cannot and will not take for granted. God has provided an awesome opportunity for me to mold women of faith and women of the Word for HIM. I'm thrilled to have been able to be a part of such a great responsibility. I'm also humbled at the honor He has bestowed on me. It's time for me to put my oldest to bed. I hope everyone is doing well. I'll upload pics tomorrow....NITE!


KSH said...

so glad yall are having a BLAST can't wait to see the pics and We love and think about you often....I wore my apron tonite thanks

Stephanie said...

YEA FOR TENNIS!!!! You are going to love it! Can't wait to hear more about it.
Your life sounds a lot like mine. We are soooo busy and your list of what you have been doing actually looked very familiar. :)
Glad to hear about those sweet girls.
Tell everyone I said hello.

KSH said...

oh my I just love all the pics...and lol about your biker chiks too funny....SJ made a precious ballerina and love the girls Easter Dresses I love blue on them . thanks for sharing. take care

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010