Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Holiday Visit....

We were pleasantly surprised to be visited by my parents on Sunday evening. They finished church on Sunday night and then drove up to visit. A short visit, but a great one. We ate breakfast at IHOP and then took a "shopping trip". SJ was so excited and her Yei Yei told her she needed to make a shopping list so here it is:
Hershey Kisses
Gummie Bears
Little Toys

You can bet she received every single item on her list. Her Yei Yei made sure of it! We had a great time and can't wait to visit with them again soon. Later....


Stephanie said...

All they have to do is just say what they want and it is granted.
What a great surprise. Glad y'all had a good visit!

The Family Bond said...

I'm learning just how great those kinda of surprise visits are. Although, not much "shopping" to be done here. But the visits are priceless.

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010