Friday, January 8, 2010

Pardon our progress....

Ok, I guess you can tell I've been trying to "update" my blog. I'm officially posting the sign "Under Construction"! After spending most of Tuesday peering through computer "code" I finally managed to download a new font. However, I now see a few errors and will need to go back and rummage through to find out the problem. Since the temp outside is 13 degrees, I'm thinking today is a good day to try and finish. So, pardon our dust as we try to make this blog fit for blogging....


Amanda McD said...

Seriously! I opened the door to get a package, and that's as far as I'm getting!

K Storm said...

Yes, I was wondering how you got that font on there. I don't know if I have that much patience to figure out all that code!!

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010