Friday, April 30, 2010

Weekends are made for relaxing...

The girls and I are gonna have a lazy weekend....I mean it...we're not doing anything constructive! Daddy is busy taking care of speakers for a Associational Conference and so it's a girls weekend. Although the weather is gonna hold us hostage indoors, we will make the best of it. I just finished reading on the Pioneer Woman blog a great recipe for Glazed Doughnuts....hummm...that may be our project! I'll let you know how they turn out.
School will be out in 2 weeks and Mom is so excited! Yes, you've got it! Mom is ready to NOT have to get up and get kiddos dressed! SJ is ready to be done too. She really misses playing at the park while Mom plays tennis. So, summer is around the corner and we've already started buying ice cream and popsicles to make the days more fun! I even bought the girls a picnic table so they can eat outside and make a huge mess. That way I keep my sanity...and a semi-clean floor! A new swing set is in the works soon as Dad has time to help me shop for one. I mentioned in my last post about a decision that I was struggling with and I'm proud to say God has given clarity and direction. Thanks for praying. More will be divulged later. Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

K Storm said...

I think we'll have a "do nothing" kind of day too...

Glad that you have gained clarity in your request

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010