Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What is Revival?

RE - again VIVE - life

Life again. This would suggest that life had once been but at some point was lost or had waned or maybe even swooned would be a better word. I'm sure many of us have experienced times of waning in our earthly relationships but also in our heavenly relationship. I have been in such a place and I know the feelings of loneliness, frustration, defeat and indifference. These feelings are real and only come from a broken relationship, one that is in need of "life again".
Are you ready for some good news? Acts 3:19 gives us the prescription for revival...."Therefore repent and turn back, that your sins may be wiped out so that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord."
If you're like me, I don't believe I have ever before heard this verse quoted in a "revival service". In times past, revival was a series of meetings where the gospel was proclaimed and the primary focus was evangelism. If we take this verse and understand its' context we will find that revival is for BELIEVERS, CHRIST FOLLOWERS, SAINTS! Those who are alive in Christ. I am experiencing revival. It has happened over a period of time and it came when I followed the prescription....when I read the instructions and was OBEDIENT. I will share more of what Christ has done in due time. But, I did want to re-connect with everyone before life begins it's descent back to normal. I'm so excited about what God is doing.......in me and in the life of HBC!


KSH said...

sounds like an awesome Revival Praise God for renewing of spirits we have revival coming up feb 20th for 3 days and I cannot wait jerry vines and 3 others are speaking take care and cant wait to hear more love you

DBK said...

Amen. May God continue to peel back our layers and make us more transparent! It's been such a special time to be a member at HBC. Feel so blessed to have ya'll in our church family.

destiny said...

I LOVE your blog facelift!!! Mine needs one, too!!!

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010