Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Spring is here!

Spring is here and I'm getting back into the swing of things. Winter has come and gone and now the flowers are blooming and causing all sorts of issues with the sinuses! That's ok though. I'm just thankful for sunshine and back yards! My girls have been dirty and tired every night for the past few weeks and it is so nice! We are enjoying being at home and playing lots of tennis and just being at home.
We have a great visit with my parents last weekend. We started off Friday morning after getting SJ to school, Mom and I got our feet taken care of and a bit of shopping here in H'do. We ate lunch at the great Hollywood Cafe in Robinsonville and then ended the day at the Redbirds game in Memphis. It was opening night and we enjoyed fireworks afte the game...well, most of us enjoyed them. SC was absolutely petrified! Her Yei Yei had to hold her during the entire 20 minute display. Her comment after it was over..."I ok".."Fireworks scare me"...."I ok"....all the way home!
Saturday we spent celebrating my Mom's birthday with shopping and a great meal at home that night. Sunday we worshipped together and later that afternoon, they left for home. We had such a great time. I am so blessed with parents who love to be with us and they don't really need much to entertain them, just being together is enough. And, you know, that's all that's really important anyway. So, this week is lunch bunch, tennis, housework, church, school field trip and who knows what else.
I'll be blogging more now as I've become a little annoyed with FB. I just want to be able to communicate whole thoughts not just snippets...twitter will keep me able to communicate quickly about life and it's happenings but I will save my contemplative posts for this blog. I'll be uploading pics real soon...Glad to be back!


K Storm said...

Nice to hear from you! Glad that life is good for the family!

I'm about to start tennis lessons with MM & GG here. We have an agreement that we are all starting out "beginner beginners".

Stephanie said...

So good to catch up with y'all!
Glad tennis is still going good. I have been playing a lot lately too with day league and night league.
So cute imagining SC's little voice saying that about the fireworks.
We miss you guys. We would love to get together some during the summer.

KSH said...

good to hear all is well in north ms, tell you happy belated bday and the girls are just beautiful and growing so fast...Sadie has really changed....looks like you alot and the pics from CO were great . Thanks for sharing. Love you and hope you can come for a visit this spring or summer I have a baby shower June 19th if that is a poss. Have a great Thursday! Love and miss you!

Disney World 2010

Spring 2010