HUMMM....not sure I can think of 7 but I'll try..
1. As much as AWC is not a fan of McAlister's Sweet Tea..I am a total fanatic about it. I like pretty much any sweet but particularly McAlister's because of the BIG cup!
2. I'm not sure how many people know that I was Drum Major at the infamous Raleigh High School and then at the illustrious Jones County Junior College. Yep, I wore the funny hat, tall white boots and short shorts! I was good though....just ask my Director...Dr. Young. I had a blast during those years!
3. Oh, I almost went to Physical Therapy school....I often wonder if I would have met Cliff if I had chosen to follow that path....WHEW....glad I didn't make that mistake.
4. Along the same lines as school etc., I mentioned to CDP several months back the I might one day want to go to.......LAW SCHOOL! I mean I love to talk and argue....ask just never know!
5. I HATE confined spaces....I can't even put my head under the covers at night....FREAKS ME OUT!
6. I had a crush on Bo in the Dukes of Hazzard when I was young....didn't everybody?
7. Last but not least....I hate Raisins and Bananas but I love MAYO.....sorry KS!
Hope this doesn't keep any of you from being my friend!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
The Hunt is on...
Well, we've managed to lay down rubber on every street and highway in DeSoto County. House hunting is exhausting! The last time we did this, there were only 2 of us. Now, with 2 kids and all their's hard to find just the right place. It's impossible to find the PERFECT house! I've decided I must decide what is MOST important in a home and not worry about all the other "what if's" that will plague me after the decision is made. It's sort of like hunting for the perfect Christmas look and look and look and usually end up back where you looked first! We do think we've found the neighborhood we want to live in, we just now need to find the right floor plan for our family.
Sunday marked our last official Sunday at RCBC. What an emotional day! I cried for pretty much all of it. We received many hugs, kisses and good wishes, but I believe my most prized possession is a photo album recording the many precious memories we've made over the last 5 years. CDP and I became a family here....this is a very special fellowship. God showed us many things while serving Him here. We are so blessed to have so many close friends. God has truly blessed the fellowship at RCBC. We will never forget their love and support. Thank you KS...I'm glad I trusted you!
As I took SJP in to school this morning...her last week with her friends....I heard a song on the radio that pretty much summed up how I'm feeling these days....
Thank you, Lord! How could I ask for more?
Sunday marked our last official Sunday at RCBC. What an emotional day! I cried for pretty much all of it. We received many hugs, kisses and good wishes, but I believe my most prized possession is a photo album recording the many precious memories we've made over the last 5 years. CDP and I became a family here....this is a very special fellowship. God showed us many things while serving Him here. We are so blessed to have so many close friends. God has truly blessed the fellowship at RCBC. We will never forget their love and support. Thank you KS...I'm glad I trusted you!
As I took SJP in to school this morning...her last week with her friends....I heard a song on the radio that pretty much summed up how I'm feeling these days....
There's nothing like the warmth of a summer afternoon
Waking to the sunlight, and being cradled by the moon
Catching fireflies at night Building castles in the sand
Kissing Mama's face goodnight Holding Daddy's hand
Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more
Running barefoot through the grass A little hide and go seek
Being so in love, that you can hardly eat
Dancing in the dark, when there's no one else around
Being bundled 'neath the covers, watching snow Fall to the ground
Thank you Lord, how could I ask for more
So many things I thought would bring me happiness
Some dreams that are realities today
Such an irony the things that mean the most to me
Are the memories that I've made along the way
So if there's anything I've learned
From this journey I am on Simple truths will keep you going
Simple love will keep you strong
Cause there are questions without answers Flames that never die
Heartaches we go through are often blessings in disguise
So thank you Lord, oh thank you Lord How could I ask for more
Thank you, Lord! How could I ask for more?
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Answered Prayers....
I know God must be laughing at me and has had a blast watching me over the past 45 days. Our house, that has been on the market for approx 45 days, is now under contract and we should close on of before February 28th. God is soooo good! Each time someone asked about the situation with the house, the comment most frequent was, "the market is down's going to be tough to sell....spring is on the way though, that's when most everyone buys".
We firmly believe this was another confirmation from God that we are to be in Hernando. I'm so excited that He has chosen to reveal himself in such a profound way that I can't wait to see what He does about finding us another place to live. He really has it all under control. The housing market may be tough right now but my Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills and selling a house is a walk in the park for Him. Now, if I would only live my life in that realization and submit all decisions to Him....
SCP turns 5 months old on Monday...I can hardly believe how she has grown. She is eating cereal and has lapped up some Pears this week. Tomorrow starts a veggie....Squash! She really likes to hold her pacifier and has started sitting up..with a little help and is well on her way to becoming an "independent sitter", as the experts put it. She loves to giggle at her mommy and she really likes to watch SJP as she dances around the house and sings "I'm In the Lord's Army"...Yes Sir!
SJP is becoming such a GROWN UP! She really likes to pretend play and be the "teacher". She can be a little demanding at times so I have to remind her to be nice to her students. Her favorite thing to do these days it play her Leap Frog Leapster....She has MASTERED the Dora time for another. She seems to understand that we are about to move to another town. She asks daily about "FERNANDO" in lieu of Hernando...Baptist Church. She seems eager to find a new house and have a new room. I'm beginning to think she won't have any trouble adjusting. Our Real Estate agent came to the house last week and as he entered the house she asked quite seriously, "What are you doing in my house?" I don't think we have to worry about her self esteem.
Life is so short and so precious. I've realized just how much I've missed my girls. SJP has a Veggie Tale movie about Queen Esther and as I was watching it with her for the..hum...150th time......I realized that "for such a time as this" just like Esther was put in the position of Queen of Persia, God has put me at home with my children. It's been the most exhausting and yet the most rewarding 2 weeks of my life. I can't wait to see what He's going to do with my girls. He has a plan for them that I will help exciting to be in on the planning!
So, next week should mark the first week of real house hunting. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. God has the perfect one out there, I just have to wait on Him to find it for me.
SJP's friend MWC turned 3 on December 26th and celebrated that wonderful day with a birthday party this afternoon...SJP had a blast and didn't want to leave. She still has trouble with the gift thing....she wanted to know where her presents were. I have a bit more explaining to do I think. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MWC. You're going to be a great BIG SISTER!
Until later,
We firmly believe this was another confirmation from God that we are to be in Hernando. I'm so excited that He has chosen to reveal himself in such a profound way that I can't wait to see what He does about finding us another place to live. He really has it all under control. The housing market may be tough right now but my Lord owns the cattle on a thousand hills and selling a house is a walk in the park for Him. Now, if I would only live my life in that realization and submit all decisions to Him....
SCP turns 5 months old on Monday...I can hardly believe how she has grown. She is eating cereal and has lapped up some Pears this week. Tomorrow starts a veggie....Squash! She really likes to hold her pacifier and has started sitting up..with a little help and is well on her way to becoming an "independent sitter", as the experts put it. She loves to giggle at her mommy and she really likes to watch SJP as she dances around the house and sings "I'm In the Lord's Army"...Yes Sir!
SJP is becoming such a GROWN UP! She really likes to pretend play and be the "teacher". She can be a little demanding at times so I have to remind her to be nice to her students. Her favorite thing to do these days it play her Leap Frog Leapster....She has MASTERED the Dora time for another. She seems to understand that we are about to move to another town. She asks daily about "FERNANDO" in lieu of Hernando...Baptist Church. She seems eager to find a new house and have a new room. I'm beginning to think she won't have any trouble adjusting. Our Real Estate agent came to the house last week and as he entered the house she asked quite seriously, "What are you doing in my house?" I don't think we have to worry about her self esteem.
Life is so short and so precious. I've realized just how much I've missed my girls. SJP has a Veggie Tale movie about Queen Esther and as I was watching it with her for the..hum...150th time......I realized that "for such a time as this" just like Esther was put in the position of Queen of Persia, God has put me at home with my children. It's been the most exhausting and yet the most rewarding 2 weeks of my life. I can't wait to see what He's going to do with my girls. He has a plan for them that I will help exciting to be in on the planning!
So, next week should mark the first week of real house hunting. I'll keep everyone posted on how it goes. God has the perfect one out there, I just have to wait on Him to find it for me.
SJP's friend MWC turned 3 on December 26th and celebrated that wonderful day with a birthday party this afternoon...SJP had a blast and didn't want to leave. She still has trouble with the gift thing....she wanted to know where her presents were. I have a bit more explaining to do I think. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MWC. You're going to be a great BIG SISTER!
Until later,
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
First Day on the Job...
Well, I made it! It was wonderful! It went by so fast I hardly knew what happened. My first day as a Stay At Home Mom was just as I imagined. A good friend from church asked me this afternoon if I slept late.....not a chance. I was up just as early but was relieved to have plenty of time to get things in order before starting the day. I actually got a shower before SCP woke up. It I plan wisely, that shouldn't be a problem. I even got to drink a cup of coffee this morning....that was nice. I'm sure every day won't be as easy but it sure made for a good start. I highly recommend this to all you Mom's out there.
Our carpet was cleaned today and the house smells like....uh..well...something clean. The floor looks great. We are hoping this will help in the process of showing the house and getting it sold. I've got a great day planned tomorrow......NOTHING!
Night night and I'll post again tomorrow...maybe!
Our carpet was cleaned today and the house smells like....uh..well...something clean. The floor looks great. We are hoping this will help in the process of showing the house and getting it sold. I've got a great day planned tomorrow......NOTHING!
Night night and I'll post again tomorrow...maybe!
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
I'm Done.......
Well..........I'm done. Today was my last day as a Working Mom. I've cried pretty much all day. I asked CDP if that was normal. He assured me it was. I have such great friends at my former place of employment. I told them all today that I love them and count them as friends and in retrospect, they are more like family. They have all been easy to love and I just thank God each day that I had the chance to work with such a great group of people and for such a great organization. Turning over the keys to the office was the final task and it seemed the hardest. I have left my office in capable hands though. I'm not worried one bit...she will do great!
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life....Is that corny or what? I feel like I've been released. I've thought a lot about how I would feel and I don't think you can describe it or even be prepared for it. I think the girls know something is different. They can sense a difference in me I guess. I've worked all of my life. My Dad raised me to be a hard worker and to do what was right. He taught me to do my very best and to be efficient. I can remember helping him in the chicken house when I was younger. He worked so hard....actually my Mom says she and I and my sister ran that chicken farm.....I'll let them duke that one out...Anyway, he would need a tool for something he was repairing and he would tell me to "RUN and get me the hammer". Now, if my Dad asked you to RUN and get him a hammer, he meant RUN and get him a hammer. I learned very quickly that time was of the essence. I think that's why I got so frustrated with dial up internet....way too slow.....I'm thankful for DSL! He taught me and my sister to be honest and to always do what we say. I'm sure I've let him down in some or those areas but it wasn't because he didn't teach me. I'm thankful for my Dad and my Mom. They helped me become who I am today. Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you!
CDP should get an award for Best Husband to a Working Mom. You know like those Dog shows where they have the Best in Show of the Working Class..... ha ha ha....CDP has made my working easy. He is the most supportive and loving man. I have been blessed to be his wife for the past 11 years and the mother of his 2 girls for the past 3. I cannot imagine life without him. My Lord knew I would need a wonderful man and he sent me the very best. He is a perfect Dad to our 2 girls. It's now time for me to be his support. I'm so very excited at the journey I'm about to begin and with God's help, I'm sure these will be the greatest days of our life together. So, stay tuned for the REST OF THE STORY.....I'll post again tomorrow with an update of my first day at my....... NEW JOB!
Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of my life....Is that corny or what? I feel like I've been released. I've thought a lot about how I would feel and I don't think you can describe it or even be prepared for it. I think the girls know something is different. They can sense a difference in me I guess. I've worked all of my life. My Dad raised me to be a hard worker and to do what was right. He taught me to do my very best and to be efficient. I can remember helping him in the chicken house when I was younger. He worked so hard....actually my Mom says she and I and my sister ran that chicken farm.....I'll let them duke that one out...Anyway, he would need a tool for something he was repairing and he would tell me to "RUN and get me the hammer". Now, if my Dad asked you to RUN and get him a hammer, he meant RUN and get him a hammer. I learned very quickly that time was of the essence. I think that's why I got so frustrated with dial up internet....way too slow.....I'm thankful for DSL! He taught me and my sister to be honest and to always do what we say. I'm sure I've let him down in some or those areas but it wasn't because he didn't teach me. I'm thankful for my Dad and my Mom. They helped me become who I am today. Thanks Mom and Dad! I love you!
CDP should get an award for Best Husband to a Working Mom. You know like those Dog shows where they have the Best in Show of the Working Class..... ha ha ha....CDP has made my working easy. He is the most supportive and loving man. I have been blessed to be his wife for the past 11 years and the mother of his 2 girls for the past 3. I cannot imagine life without him. My Lord knew I would need a wonderful man and he sent me the very best. He is a perfect Dad to our 2 girls. It's now time for me to be his support. I'm so very excited at the journey I'm about to begin and with God's help, I'm sure these will be the greatest days of our life together. So, stay tuned for the REST OF THE STORY.....I'll post again tomorrow with an update of my first day at my....... NEW JOB!
Friday, January 11, 2008
It's Friday...
Well, today is Friday and my last Friday as a working Mom. I've been so busy this week training my replacement that I've lost track of time. I can't believe that next week I'll be free to basically do whatever. I met a good friend in the nearby SprintMart and she asked "how does it feel"? I replied, "good, but I'm scared". It's going to be an adjustment not having to be responsible for so much.
Enough of that. The girls are doing great and SJP is just getting so big in every way. She came and got in the bed with me this morning at around 6pm and just wanted to snuggle. As you can see from the website, she got a LeapFrog Leapster for Christmas from her Yei Yei and she just loves that game. She is pretty adept and using it too. She and I played around with it last night and I helped her spell her name. She did pretty good except missed the "e". I guess she can blame her Mom for having such a hard name to spell.
SCP is growing like a weed. I was holding her last night and she wanted so badly to stand up and go somewhere. She has some strong legs! Her hair is growing back from where she rubbed it off in the back and it's beginning to turn a little lighter. I believe she is going to be blonde. Her eyes are still blue as well. Looks like I've got one that will look like me this time. She's doing well eating cereal with a spoon. I'll be feeding her 2 times per day beginning next week. This should help with her formula consumption. She LOVES to eat!
We are anxiously waitng for God to send someone along to buy the house. We've moved many things to storage and are having the carpet cleaned next week. We are praying that we will have it sold by the end of March. Please keep this in your prayers. We know God will take care of it but sometimes we just get impatient.
So long for now. I'll post again tomorrow and maybe have a few new photos to share.
Enough of that. The girls are doing great and SJP is just getting so big in every way. She came and got in the bed with me this morning at around 6pm and just wanted to snuggle. As you can see from the website, she got a LeapFrog Leapster for Christmas from her Yei Yei and she just loves that game. She is pretty adept and using it too. She and I played around with it last night and I helped her spell her name. She did pretty good except missed the "e". I guess she can blame her Mom for having such a hard name to spell.
SCP is growing like a weed. I was holding her last night and she wanted so badly to stand up and go somewhere. She has some strong legs! Her hair is growing back from where she rubbed it off in the back and it's beginning to turn a little lighter. I believe she is going to be blonde. Her eyes are still blue as well. Looks like I've got one that will look like me this time. She's doing well eating cereal with a spoon. I'll be feeding her 2 times per day beginning next week. This should help with her formula consumption. She LOVES to eat!
We are anxiously waitng for God to send someone along to buy the house. We've moved many things to storage and are having the carpet cleaned next week. We are praying that we will have it sold by the end of March. Please keep this in your prayers. We know God will take care of it but sometimes we just get impatient.
So long for now. I'll post again tomorrow and maybe have a few new photos to share.
Monday, January 7, 2008
One Last Week.....
Today marks the beginning of my final full week as a working mom. I think the girls know something is about to change. SJP was very tearful this morning as she left for school. She didn't want to go. She wanted to stay with me. I think it's going to be a long week.
SCP is now 4 months old and at her check-up last week weighed in at 15 lbs 9 1/2 oz and 24 1/2 inches long...WOW! Our pediatrician commented that it was about time to start the cereal and so we launched head long into that wave on Thursday. As of today, she's just about to get the hang of it! She gets rice cereal at least once a day now and will get more in the days ahead. We did have to change formula again due to some tummy issues. We've adjusted that and she seems to be doing MUCH better. Her runny nose is almost gone and you can tell she just feels better. She's started reaching for toys, rolling over (both ways), sucks on her hands constantly and just giggles and smiles at anyone and anything. She is just a joy! We are sooo blessed!
Our house is still on the market and we are waiting on God to take care of that little situation for us. We know He has the perfect person/couple to move right in. We just have to wait and trust in Him. CDP's last Sunday at RCBC is Jan 27th and is also Baby Dedication Sunday. I'm sure it will be emotional for us that day. God grew us so much while we were here both Spiritually and Numerically. I believe we would not have the family we have if we had not followed God's call to Madison. He has worked mightily in our lives these past 5 1/2 years. We are so torn with our emotions, for we love our family here but know our family in Hernando needs us. We pray for them each day that God will begin preparing them for His work and that the ground will be ready to plant and then ultimately reap a bountiful harvest. To those in Hernando reading this blog, we love you and miss you. We'll be there soon.
One last thing.....I know you may get tired of me mentioning Steven Curtis Chapman, but he wrote the greatest song about his oldest daughter on his newest album. It's title is Cinderella. You'll find it on my blog here...the second song labeled track 03. If you have girls, you should have your husbands listen to it....however, get the kleenex'll tear your heart out! Enjoy!
Boy, life sure is uncertain. You never know what God is up to. I'm sure of this one thing, the ride WON'T be boring!
Signing off for tonight......really tired...I can't wait until next Wednesday. I'm going to sleep for a very long time......or at least until SCP and SJP wake me up!
Love you all.........
SCP is now 4 months old and at her check-up last week weighed in at 15 lbs 9 1/2 oz and 24 1/2 inches long...WOW! Our pediatrician commented that it was about time to start the cereal and so we launched head long into that wave on Thursday. As of today, she's just about to get the hang of it! She gets rice cereal at least once a day now and will get more in the days ahead. We did have to change formula again due to some tummy issues. We've adjusted that and she seems to be doing MUCH better. Her runny nose is almost gone and you can tell she just feels better. She's started reaching for toys, rolling over (both ways), sucks on her hands constantly and just giggles and smiles at anyone and anything. She is just a joy! We are sooo blessed!
Our house is still on the market and we are waiting on God to take care of that little situation for us. We know He has the perfect person/couple to move right in. We just have to wait and trust in Him. CDP's last Sunday at RCBC is Jan 27th and is also Baby Dedication Sunday. I'm sure it will be emotional for us that day. God grew us so much while we were here both Spiritually and Numerically. I believe we would not have the family we have if we had not followed God's call to Madison. He has worked mightily in our lives these past 5 1/2 years. We are so torn with our emotions, for we love our family here but know our family in Hernando needs us. We pray for them each day that God will begin preparing them for His work and that the ground will be ready to plant and then ultimately reap a bountiful harvest. To those in Hernando reading this blog, we love you and miss you. We'll be there soon.
One last thing.....I know you may get tired of me mentioning Steven Curtis Chapman, but he wrote the greatest song about his oldest daughter on his newest album. It's title is Cinderella. You'll find it on my blog here...the second song labeled track 03. If you have girls, you should have your husbands listen to it....however, get the kleenex'll tear your heart out! Enjoy!
Boy, life sure is uncertain. You never know what God is up to. I'm sure of this one thing, the ride WON'T be boring!
Signing off for tonight......really tired...I can't wait until next Wednesday. I'm going to sleep for a very long time......or at least until SCP and SJP wake me up!
Love you all.........
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